Berikut hasil kompilasi pertanyaan yang biasa diajukan pewawancara saat interview beasiswa yang saya peroleh dari berbagai sumber. Memang, enggak semuanya ditanyakan. Malah, saya mendapati cuma beberapa pertanyaan saja yang ditanyakan kepada saya. Tapi tak apa, toh akan tetap berguna, karena pengalaman setiap orang berbeda-beda dan makin siap kamu, makin besar pula kesempatan kamu lolos beasiswa
Tell us about yourself.
What exactly do you do?
Tell us about the programme you applied.
Do you have any projects in mind for that programme?
Tell me about your company.
What’s the relevance between your job and this programme?
What’s the relevance between your company and this programme?
What’s the relevance between this programme and Indonesia in general?
What do you know about the university you’re going to study?
What do you know about the city you’re going to live in?
Why chose this country to study?
What will you do after you graduate?
How about your family?
What will be your highest concern about staying in this country and how will you cope with that?
How do you adapt with new environment?
What do you have that we can take benefit of?
What’s your career target ahead?
What’s your biggest accomplishment that made you proud?
Why do you think you deserve this scholarship?
What’s your motivation to get this scholarship?
What will you do for people around you after the program is finish?
What do you wish for after you graduate?
Tell us about your training/seminars.
Tell us about your extracurricular in college.
What activities do you do that connect with the community development?
Have any skills outside your job right now?
What’s your hobbies?
What’s your weaknesses? How do you deal with them?
Have you ever been abroad?
What do you think is the most important problems Indonesia has to deal with?
Do you have any lessons/projects that made you proud?
From all the books that you read, what’s your favorite and why?
How do you describe yourself to someone you don’t know?
What’s the biggest mistake you ever made in your life?
If you have a chance to discuss or lunch with someone special, who will you choose? What will be your first question and why you asking it?
Who is your hero and why?
How do you deal with big problems in your life?
sumber :
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